Thursday, November 4, 2010

100% Angus Beef

Chester McCheese sat there staring at his burger with such intent to eat it. He was hungry, but he noticed his patty was neon pink, his lettuce was blue and his buns were green.
"What in the worlds carnation is a happenin' here" he said with his large southern drawl. He was in awe. Struck as if he had seen a communist eating pastries in a nice conservative Texas park!
He took his burger up to the woman at the counter. She looked as if she really hated her job. She did work at McDonalds, however.
Under the luminescence of light that was gazing upon her cheek a homogenized smile crept out and she spoke: "Glerbin amon lobbin McCheese!"
He nearly flipped his gizzards and wet his pants with surprise.
"What has gotten' into you people?" He said
She looked at him as if he had it figured out. As if he had known this whole time what McDonalds was up to.
"I mean is evry'thang awlright?" She said nervously.
"Oh you had me scared sacred there uhhh Rebecca." He said looking at her name tag curiously.
"Sorry 'bout that McCheese. You'll have to excuse my queer mannas."
Then all of the sudden she looked at him and smiled a bone chilling smile that made him ache with antagonizing disinterest.
"Hey, why you actin' funny?" McCheese said sweating a bit.
"You have been chosen!" She said flapping her arms up and down. She then started to speak in tongues and she grew a red afro and her clothes changed from red to white with thick yellow monstrosities of stripes and her feet grew to a size thirteen in a red clown shoe.
Chester ran screaming almost losing his spectacles which were caught on the brow of his large gut.
But it was too late....

As he tried run out of the store the doors locked and turned red.
He turned around and there she was white make-up and all.
"100% angus beef! 100% angus beef!" she said as she grabbed his arm.
"Let gaw of meh neow!" he said violently, which made her or it, more displeased.
"100% ANGUS BEEF!" She said louder and louder.
Finally, Chester passed out and fell into the clowns barring arms.
She looked around to see if anyone was left in the eating quarters and when all was safe her mouth opened wide and inside was a meat grinder.
"Globin trobbin McThrobbin'" She said with her arms wiggling in the air wildly. And just as fast as he got his neon food, she ate him grinding him into 100% angus beef.

Cameron Caceres

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